You taught me
The good things of life
You're the real friend
Wanted not to lose
You're the only one
Who pushes me closer
To my Almighty God
You're the friend indeed
And the friend I need
We're too close
But you're on your way
Why can't you wait?
And not leave me alone
You're part and
Certainly I want not to lose you
You're on your way
And I'm on my way
Why can't you stay?
With me all in my life
I appreciate your staying
With me all day
I must thank almighty
Who blessed me
With you as a real friend
Please don’t go
Far away
From me
I need you always
Rightly on my side.
Copyright ©2001 Badsha Mukhtar
VIP P3599640 - 999 [1]
2nd Dec., 2001
20th Ramdan,1422