Sunday, 28 August 2011


As Muslim this is the month we move a little closer to God, we stop eating and drinking and having marital relation with our wives in day times. This poem is an inspirational as Ramadan is going I wrote it in 2009. I think still it can make sense. I talk to him poetically as a friend who become my flesh and blood. expecting your comments and corrections. 


You taught me
The good things of life

You're the real friend
 Wanted not to lose

You're the only one
Who pushes me closer
To my Almighty God

You're the friend indeed
And the friend I need

We're too close
But you're on your way
Why can't you wait?
And not leave me alone

You're part and
Certainly I want not to lose you

You're on your way
And I'm on my way
Why can't you stay?
With me all in my life

I appreciate your staying
With me all day

I must thank almighty
Who blessed me
With you as a real friend

Please don’t go
Far away
From me

I need you always
Rightly on my side.

Copyright ©2001 Badsha Mukhtar
VIP P3599640 - 999 [1]
2nd Dec., 2001
20th Ramdan,1422

Wednesday, 3 August 2011

Badsha's Pen Talk: A Pleasant Surprise

Badsha's Pen Talk: A Pleasant Surprise: "A PLEASANT SURPRISE By Abdulkadir Badsha Mukhtar Laughter is a feeling For those who are enjoying The fruits of life And pleasantly surpr..."

A Pleasant Surprise

Abdulkadir Badsha Mukhtar

Laughter is a feeling
For those who are enjoying
The fruits of life
And pleasantly surprised
From those who cares
My blood start circulating
At a different rate
I loudly cry of loneliness
As I was deeply hurt in my heart
Confused as I was 
Searching like a curious Cat
Targeting the smartest Rat
The sky suddenly lit
And the changing warm
Covered my fragile face
As I believed there are
Many alternatives for darkness
But only golden one for loneliness
I thanked Almighty God
For helping me
to see the light

Copyright ©2004 Badsha Mukhtar